African American Tech-Savvy Influencer Berto Boligan Identifies Potential In Esports In Pakistan

African American Tech-Savvy Influencer Berto Boligan Identifies Potential In Esports In Pakistan – Decides To Invest In The Country And Provide Mentorship

Working a 9-5, and enjoying free time is what the majority does, however, Berto Boligan is an exception. He is a self-made successful tech entrepreneur who after leaving his job started being influenced by the many books he read and the dreams he had. He realized the 9-5 was not for him and that he needed to shape his life by himself. This success motivated many people and was a source of encouragement to many, who got influenced by him and started following him, turning him into a successful social media influencer on Facebook and Instagram. He has been known to encourage people to start young, follow their dreams, set their limits themselves, and not let anyone put them down, only in that way can they be from mental stress and focus on their dreams.

Berto owns multiple successful tech companies and has always been inclined towards everything related to technology. This includes Esports, the Cuban American believes that Esports is a massive industry worldwide that has noticeably grown exponentially over the past decade. For this reason, Berto has been doing his research and has planned to prepare a team of his own to compete in the industry. His research led to him identifying vast potential in Pakistan thanks to the multiple victories Pakistan has boasted in Tekken over the past few years. He believes that the talented youth lacks proper guidance and resources to help them become the best.

To overcome this problem he has decided to invest in the country by setting up a Bootcamp of his own. He will provide his mentorship, and the necessary materials and will do the effort to prepare the aspiring young ones interested in pursuing a career in Esports. With the right amount of effort and time invested in the Pakistanis, he believes he can build a perfect team of thriving players. He also believes that his Bootcamp will motivate other players in the country to involve themselves more professionally in esports. Victories by his team will encourage him, his team, and other aspiring young souls in the country to motivate themselves in esports. Once he has prepared a team, he looks forward to competing in international tournaments and winning names for the country and himself.

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